Physio advice on Spinal Pain

When expertise matters
Spinal Pain

When you have pain in your back or neck it can significantly reduce your quality of life and leave you feeling debilitated. Because all movement in our bodies, including arm and leg movement is linked to the function and health of the spine, pain in this area can be hard to live with.

At Cambridgeshire Sports Physio and Back Care we specialise in the treatment of musculoskeletal spinal pain and our team of physiotherapists see many clients with such problems. We have built a reputation on being able to assist our clients in returning to pain free full function and use a number of treatment techniques to facilitate this.

We also have links with consultants and surgeons throughout the region and will be able to advise you on what action to take if physiotherapy is not applicable to your particular condition.

For more information about our treatment techniques please visit the treatment technique pages on our website or click on the tabs above that discuss back pain and neck pain.

Alternatively call us to book a consultation on the following numbers:
Huntingdon Physiotherapists: 01487 773 088

Back Pain

Low Back Pain

The low back is a common source of pain that may be as a result of poor posture, sudden injury or over exertion (or all three!). Muscles, ligaments, nerves and joints can all cause irritation and discomfort in the lumbar area.  A thorough assessment by a physiotherapist can determine the source of the pain through various manual tests which examine each structure in the lumbar area. Once the source of pain is identified our physiotherapists will, most likely, be able to treat the condition accordingly. The treatment modalities may include joint mobilisation, soft tissue therapy, acupuncture, cupping, stretches or exercise therapy depending on the structure that is at fault.


Sciatica often presents as pain or altered sensation running down the back of the leg, which may or may not be accompanied by back pain. It is caused by the irritation of the sciatic nerve which originates in the lower back and runs down into the legs. This irritation can stem from the joints in the low back, disc or muscle tightness. Sciatica in itself is not a diagnoses. The symptoms can vary from a mild tightening sensation in the hamstring to a constant shooting pain down the back of the leg. Posture often plays a major role in the development of the condition. Sitting for long periods with a bent or flexed lumbar spine leads to an increase in pressure on the discs in the low back, which in turn can result in sciatic symptoms.

What we can do to help

Treatment will vary according to your specific condition. Initially a thorough examination of your problem will be made in order to determine the best approach to take with your treatment. Each client will receive a personalised treatment programme which will likely be made up from a combination of the techniques listed above.

For more information on treatment of low back pain call us on:

Huntingdon: 01487 773 088

Neck Pain


Whiplash usually presents as neck or back pain, often immediately or a few days after a car accident. Whiplash may also occur due to high velocity contact sports, such as rugby. The injury occurs when the head moves forward, backwards, or sideways suddenly without control of the movement. Symptoms of whiplash include neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, burning or tingling sensations in your neck or arm. This unexpected, sudden movement can cause the muscles, ligaments, nerves and joints in the neck and back to become painful.

​Wry Neck/Crick in the Neck

Wry neck, crick in the neck or acute torticollis are medical terms used to describe a sudden painful and stiff neck. Usually pain and stiffness are present upon waking, although it is also possible that the neck may become stuck following a sudden movement. Awkward sleeping conditions such as long haul flights or long bus journeys can also cause wry neck due to poor neck posture when sleeping. The main symptoms are pain and stiffness, usually with no recollection of injury.

Cervical Disc Prolapse/Slipped disc

A slipped disc in the neck can be a cause of neck and arm pain. Medically, a slipped disc in the neck is known as a disc prolapse. Contrary to popular belief a slipped disc does not mean that a disc has ‘popped’ out of place. It is more accurate to think of the disc as a doughnut, with a jelly like middle and a tougher outer layer. A slipped disc occurs whenever the inner substance of the disc protrudes through the outer layer. This can occur through repeated stress on the disc via repetitive neck movements or poor working posture. Symptoms of a slipped disc can include neck, shoulder and arm pain, often with pins and needle sensations or shooting pains due to nerve involvement.

​What we can do to help

Treatment for back and neck problems vary widely depending on your specific situation. Before any treatment commences, a very thorough examination of your back/neck will be completed. This enables the treating physiotherapist to determine what kinds of treatments can be used and how often they should see you. To assist your rehabilitation, you will receive exercises to complement your personalised treatment programme. The programme will consist of a combination of the following: soft tissue therapy, joint mobilisation, electrotherapy, acupuncture and exercise therapy.

Start your journey back to full health today...

Contact us at the Abbots Ripton Clinic, Huntingdon
Tel: 01487 773 088 Email: